Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Dresden Files -Storm Front by Jim Butcher (Review)

I stumbled onto this while doing some research and after reading it I could say that its great and I'm glad I found it.

Heres the synopsis- Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden is a wizard for hire. The only one of his kind heck he's even in the phonebook if you need him. However because of his profession he doesnt get much business and things get tight financially which forces him to consult with the Chicago P.D Special Investigations Unit for extra cash. When he's called to investigate a murder with paranormal undertones Harry's life quickly takes a turn from the worse the further he delves into the mystery behind the case. He encounters gangsters, thugs, vampires, demons and eventually the mastermind behind the killings. One of the things that made me turn each page was trying to find out how he's going to get out of such a predicament.

Now I'm becoming a big fan of urban fantasy; heck its even my main genre nowadays and Dresden Files is one of those books that I like. Heck it may even beat Harry Potter in my eyes (keyword being MAY). One thing it has over Potter is that it goes deep into the way spells work and how magic is done- something that Potter never explained. We see some interesting ideas like the concept of circles in spells, the importance of material things in rituals like staffs, hair, blood and names (which i'll never give out all willy nilly from now on). Heck it even explains why magic exist in the first place. Really good stuff.

Plus wizards are really badass in here. One cant look into their eyes lest he be vulnerable to their soul gaze and have their inner self and pasts exposed. Also wizards have a sight which allows them to see a world normal people cant see. Then theres the whole White Council and the Laws of Magic that govern every wizard. I mean there are no wands or broomsticks but its still really cool.

Harry is also a very likeable character, not only because its told from his perspective but he has a certain awkwardness and relatable demeanor- especially around women and hes actually a pretty nice guy. Though Harry is not all good he has commited crimes before, and he has been punished for it- or is awaiting punishment (See Doom of Damocles in the book). Plus he also seems to have a very precarious childhood and few friends he could trust.

But aside from him there are several characters that spark interest like Morgan- executioner for the white council, Murphy- detective along with Bianca the vampire pimpess ^_^

All in all its a great read, the writing style is good and witty and its very entertaining. Heck I even stopped reading Twilight to check this out.

4 and a half stars

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