Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hey guys I'm just here to show one of my most anticipated movies right now. Watchmen directed by Zack Snyder of 300 fame. Though the reason Im excited isnt only because of the style but because of the plot from the original graphic novel (considered one of the best in the world). Now as a writer I take most of my inspiration from graphic novels as opposed to normal novels. I know its odd right >_< Bt i generally think these push the envelope more. Anyway the reason Watchmen is so great is because it delves into the importance of costumed heros and costumed villains, as well as showing the impact of a superhero on earth. I mean not many actually consider the repercussions of a real life superman a "god among men" and I think this comic deals with it brilliantly. I wont give any spoilers bt I will say this is the first comic to show heroes in a realistic light. Way before the dark knight and the tv series Heroes ever did I believe Watchmen was the very first to do it. That being said I think Watchmen though released over 20 years ago was and still is way before its time. Alan Moore is an outstanding writer and I hold him in my list of role models. Anyway enough of my ramblings, enjoy the trailer (the tight scenes are numerous).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mirrors Edge Soundtrack- one of the my new favs

Hey guys, I'm still working on my projects but I just stumbled upon something I thought I should share.

If you are an avid gamer you probably heard of the new game Mirrors edge which is (to my knowledge) the first parkour or free running simulation game ever made. the view is first person and as far as I can tell it looks exactly as it should from the eyes of a free runner and the player gets the feeling of real freedom. It is perhaps for this reason that they chose this genre of music as it makes you feel free almost like im flying lol. The main theme is called Still Alive by the artist Lisa Miskovsky. Its a crazy track and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Welp back to work laterz for now ^_^

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting Started

Well I'm a recent college graduate and I decided to devote my new found free time to pursue my passion for writing. I've actually started my first novel (about halfway through now) and Ive also begun to type out some short story ideas swimming about my head lol. My friends suggested I start a blog to expose my projects and progress so well here I am ^_^. I'm also a video editor who does music videos for fun, I'm not that serious about it but I do like to think I make decent vids and hope to improve.

During the following days, weeks, months maybe years I'll be updating my blog with some excerpts from my novel as well as short stories- Along with whatever topics are swimming about my head at the moment. So I hope you enjoy.

Okay its 4:30 am and I need to sleep so I guess thats it for now.

Laterz and Do it and Dun!!!