Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Dresden Files- Fool Moon by Jim Butcher (Review)

Just finished reading this book. Took me longer to read than the first but that doesn't mean its any less entertaining. And one thing for sure this series is VERY action packed. Here's the synopsis.

The book opens with Kim Delaney ( a student of sorts) asking Harry about a mysterious circle design which immediately reminds us of the concept of circles in magic that we learnt in book 1. Afterwords he's brought on a murder case which like the last is VERY gruesome with a thorughly mangled corpse on the scene. The thought of werewolves come to mind and as he learns more about the different types of werewolves he becomes entangled between the different groups; all of which are after his head in some form or fashion. Now the first book had Harry in a worse predicament bt this book tested Harry in a far more physical fashion. In almost fifteen chapters Harry was engaged in battle after battle after battle almost to the point of not having any magical power left. Again i'm not complaining, in fact I can safely say this has way more action than any Potter book or any other fantasy novel I've read. Plus theres a very nifty twist that kept me turning the pages as well.

Now I've mentioned the different types of werewolf; five in fact. One that use magic to transform into wolves, one that have wolf characteristics and personalities but still retain their human form, one that was originally a wolf but shapeshifts into a human, one that uses a magic belt to transform into wolves and last the old fashioned kind that is a curse which turns the human into a wolf upon seeing a fullmoon. Now every one of these are dangerous: ESPECIALLY the last one and the scenes involving each were so engaging that I couldn't help but picture a live action or animated version in all of its splendour.

But aside from this no new concepts were really introduced if anything they used the ones mentioned in book 1 to advance the plot. For example the soul gaze is a great medium for getting insight on different characters without sacrificing page space.
Also the book hints at some themes and plot points which help support this series as a whole, and puts many more questions on the table.

All in all I enjoyed this read alot, it took me longer to read than book 1 though hence why i gave it four stars but this is an excellent series I may start book 3; but probably after checking potter 6 now that I've managed to see the film :D


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